In a time of environmental catastrophe, the creation mythology of the |Xam Bushmen offers a prophetic journey into who we are and who we are meant to be. Giant narrative tapestries cover the walls, and the living Bushman artists who made them will guide you around, exploring with you their meanings. This unique coming together of ancient Bushman wisdom and contemporary Bushman art is the only museum of its kind in Southern Africa.
The |Xam Bushmen
The |Xam Bushmen of South Africa became extinct during the genocide of the Bushmen in the 18th and 19th centuries.But their amazing mythology survived. Visiting the museum is an immersive experience into their rich vision.
Art Centre
The Bethesda Arts Centre, which hosts the Bushman Heritage Museum, is a project tackling the social and psychological damage left behind by genocide. At the Centre, local Bushman descendants have overcome alcoholism and loss of identity, and learned art skills to create the tapestries in the museum.
These are our stories
In 2020, a film These are our Stories, was completed, directed by Nana Dankwa, written by Jeni Couzyn, and with input from director Adriel Leff, producers Bernard Kordieh and Julian Friedmann, cameramen Lewi London and Tiepolo, sound engineer Jay Picasso