Bethesda Foundation

Bethesda Foundation is a company limited by guarantee and a charity registered with the charities commission.

 Our mission are the following: 

To work through the arts in the village of Nieu Bethesda, South Africa, bringing training, a means to earn a living, improved health and an opportunity to recover their identity, to people in Nieu Bethesda and beyond. 

To maintain a facility in Nieu Bethesda where poverty, alcoholism, abuse and neglect can be addressed through working in a communal organisation bound by aspirations of service. 

To make the rich mythology of the |Xam people are widely known both to its scattered descendants, and to others, in order to enrich the collective human understanding of our place in the world. 

We foster personal development and income generation through the arts. It re-introduces local indigenous people to their (now extinct) /Xam heritage and contributes to South african history by exploring Bushman mythology in contemporary quilts and prints which are sold to museums and corporations.

All income generated from our tourism activities and the sale of our artworks goes to support our mission 

 The Bethesda Arts Centre’s work includes poverty relief, social, educational and health issues.

Registered Charity UK:1089122

Not-for-profit registration SA : 040-915 NPO